Home » Our Impact » Forch Australia

Year of APP Development:
Start Date:
Dec 2019
Completion Date:
June 2020
7 months
Yatala, Queensland
Forch Australia
The application will be built specifically to order products, the system runs via a quote to purchase order system. This version of the application will be able to directly contact the Unleashed system via an API and directly create quotes and orders. Information below outlines the details of the application, including the objectives, flow, functions and work products.
The main objective of the application will achieve the ability for the Sales Representative to directly create quotes and purchase orders in a systematic way that increases their productivity. A recommendation system is used to help Sales Representatives generate quotes faster and more efficiently, allowing them to generate more sales orders for their respective customers.
Sales Reps:
- Add a quote for a customer.
- Add what products the customer needs into the cart within the quote creation screen.
- Ability to remove the product from the cart if it’s the wrong item.
- The Sales Rep should be able to see how they are doing in terms of performance, by creating an average sales, average lines, and average line value on the homepage of the application.
- The Sales Rep should be able to see how many Quotes they have outstanding and how many Quotes have been converted into a Sales Order.
- View customers and products.
- Saving a quote as a draft and sending it through to unleashed when the Sales Rep receives a Purchase Order Reference from the Customer.
- Add a sick/leave form for employees and employers.